As a Free Software developer, I need Free Software development tools that are developed in a sustainable way by people and organizations whose primary goal is to further the interest of the general public.
Such tools do no exist as of 2022 and there is a need to develop a strategy to mitigate the side effects they have on my daily work. For instance, GitLab is a publicly traded company whose primary goal is, by definition, to maximize the amount of money it generates for its share holders. Not the interest of the general public. It translates into the decision to remove some features from the Free Software version of GitLab CE such as bidirectional git mirroring. That makes the work of the Free Software developer more difficult. Another example is Penpot a VC funded project whose primary goal is to generate x10 more money than their receive within a minimum amount of time. Yet another example is Gitea which is led by individuals who derive a personal income from the project and make no promise to prioritize based on what best serves the interest of the general public. And finally Debian GNU/Linux, which is the closest one can find when it comes to serving the interest of the general public, is ruled by a centralized and democratic organization which has an opinionated view on the matter.
These examples are very different and listed to illustrate that:
- there is no tool developed by people and organizations whose primary goal is to serve the interest of the general public
- the goal of these people and organizations can be very close to achieve that (Debian GNU/Linux) or very far (GitLab)
This calls for different strategies and my focus now is on VC funded software, because Penpot recently switched from being self-funded to being VC funded. Quoting Wikipedia:
Strategy is important because the resources available to achieve goals are usually limited. Strategy generally involves setting goals and priorities, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions.A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). Strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes. It involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking.
Since my goal is to have Free Software development tools that are developed in a sustainable way by people and organizations whose primary goal is to further the interest of the general public I need a strategy if I am to use / depend on a tool developed by a VC funded organization whose goal is different, otherwise it will conflict with my goal and cause me trouble, eventually.
- Goal use the Free Software produced by the organization and avoid dependency traps
- Action understand the organization business model because it directly leads to the dependency traps to avoid
- Action engage with the company in public spaces as a client, not as a community member because this is the frame set by the VC
It is too early to get an understanding of the business model that Penpot will have but it will clarify in a year from now. I suppose it would make sense for them to start a marketing campaign to pursue Figma customers unhappy about the acquisition. Their focus will therefore likely be to bridge whatever gap allows them to close deals, which is likely to translate into features these prospects want (or think they want because they already have them). A proposition that is also most likely miles away from what the general public wants.
The dialog in forums or other public spaces has very limited impact. Whatever is decided by the company for the next release of Penpot will only be superficially (if at all) driven by the community. For instance, pushing for prioritizing the development of an integrated experience for developers, UX designers, UI designers to work on the same tool is and will be for the company to decide and wonāt be delegated or significantly influenced by the community. However, reporting bugs publicly and being vocal about how inconvenient something is and expecting the company developers to work on it is now a valid proposition, because of VC funding. With self-funding the company could push back and ask the community to do the work, it is less legitimate now.