Request for delightful-funding co-maintainers to SocialHub members

We have done some attempts to track relevant funding resources on the forum, with e.g. a wiki. Without too much success (wiki’s ‘sink’ into topic history, and if not last in the thread they aren’t ‘bumped’ after an edit).

Here’s the wiki attempt: Grants and Funding for our projects - Community - SocialHub
And here another one: Grants and Funding for community stuff - Community - SocialHub

:point_right:  Besides that these funding resources have broader relevancy to the entire FOSS movement.

This is why some time ago I started a “delightful-funding” sub-list of the delightful project (where I also co-maintain the 3 fedi-related lists with @wakest). Lack of bandwidth saw me collecting a huge backlog of resources, but no time to put them in the curated list:

:gem:Delightful funding: Candidates for list inclusion

:question:  Proposal …

  1. Let’s track our funding resources in:

  2. On SocialHub we record ONLY our own funding-related activities (transparently).

  3. If new funding resources are found, we PR to the curated list.

:point_right:  The delightful-funding list is auto-published to the web by @yarmo’s delightful-club repo… :rocket:

:exclamation: Request …

:point_right:  Seeking volunteers who can co-maintain the delightful funding list with me!

You can pin topics in Discourse to have them stay at the top

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Thanks. I usually pin minimally, since that may clutter the screen on small devices. I might pin category local, but anyway… the delightful funding list has languished for a long time now. At SocialHub I put out a call, and may toot soon for a broader public, asking for help. Another option is that the list becomes part of the Fediverse codeberg organization.

@wakest @laurens is that something you’d consider? We are focused on Social Web, where funding is very thin. While the list is useful more generally, we collect it primarily for fedizen’s benefit.