Organizing LOCI: Fediverse open chapters (wiki post)

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In the wiki post below we collect ideas and action points for organizing the Local Open Chapters Initative. Click ‘edit’ to add your own input.

:speech_balloon: → Discuss LOCI in: Idea: Local Open Chapters Initiative (LOCI)

Planning LOCI

LOCI as a new program under umbrella?

  • Approach NLnet and ask for advice (Joost Agterhoek, no longer works there)

LOCI and how it relates to EU/EC initiatives

  • Are there any EC commission anniversaries to tie in with? How can we engage locally and also hook in cool EU history?

  • The EC is asking feedback on Brain drain – mitigating challenges associated with population decline and up to 21 June 2022 feedback submissions are welcome. LOCI can be a means to connect local residents to fedizens world-wide to discuss and tackle local issues.

LOCI and potential partner organizations

Topics that LOCI can focus on

  • Encouraging municipal councils, and local SMB’s to transition to using federated apps, instead of Facebook, Big Tech et al. Organize local-focused fedi communities (local-only posting, invite-only account creation, etc.)