I understand the network effects and how hard life can be with a protocol that has no one on it, this is why I think breaking (native) compatibility should be okay if it breaks fundamentals, and also why bridges would be very useful.
I think this effectively hands the distributed future to existing, large networks like BlueSky (and maybe Mastodon).
Isn’t Mastodon already handed much of ActivityPub? It’s effectively their protocol. The non-standard quirks and abandoning a standard C2S API by almost every Fedi software for compatibility with Mastodon’s give me that impression at least.
That aside, I think there is an interesting idea to be discussed regarding Bluesky. The trade-offs made are to make it a better “public town” vs the more private/owned/decentralized AP box-to-box delivery. There is a lot to discuss there in terms of how we want this to go forward.
I’m happy to be out-voted, but I’d like to keep “backwards compatibility” on the table, even if it’s only a stretch goal. As we start to finalize the features/specs we want to change, hopefully we can identify ways to make them backwards compatible, or at the very least identify a migration plan for how we could roll out breaking changes across the network.
I agree it should stay on the table, but not a hill to die on, depending on what kind of technical trade-offs we face later
+1 on a migration path regardless of the choice, one of the things that concern me with current Fedi software is lack of a way to smoothly switch software, a lock-in of its own. Data and identity portability being a minimum requirement would help with that.